Getting there

Oh no... here i go again. Sorry for not posting blog this lately. Been going through personal problems which i feel like i wanna shut myself away from the social media and get disappear. Needed time to be alone. unfortunately, that is not the case. College schedule really keeps me busy and hey, life has to go on.

Anyhoo, starting tomorrow i'm gonna have my so called college holidays until the 5th of June due to Gawai celebration. Today after class, me and my roomies planned to watch Fast 6. Yeah, finally have the time to watch. Movie was awesome and  hilarious and OMG!!! Rita Ora is starring inside too... but just for that few seconds. Love watching fast cars. :D 

Before movie start, did a little shopping. Bought multivitamins and bb cream. I knew these two items from my fav blogger, The multivitamins is from Pharmaton. It got my attention when she say it improves concentration, memory, alertness. It also improves physical and mental performance too. BB cream from Laneige also got me interested to try with it. I've been looking for a light coverage so i think bb cream will do.

This the multivitamins i'm talking about. Will do a review soon. :) If you're interested to know more about this product, do visit their website: Available store: Selling on most pharmacies. This one i got it from Watson at Spring shopping mall, Kuching. Now Watson is having sale, so i got this at RM67.80. Watson members get another RM 3 off. 

 Snow BB cream from Laneige. This bb cream has whitening - sunscreen - sweat proof - soothing and also hydrating. Now, for 1st time user they have promotion price, selling RM120 with the refill. Normal price is RM145. You can get your Laneige products at Parkson, Spring. As far as i know, KK is still not available. :/ 

Vouchers for 1st timer <3 nbsp="" p="">

So, i'm gonna end this post by wishing ya'll Selamat Hari Keamatan & Gawai. :D


Every girl loves to be surprise by someone. Well, today i received a surprise gift from boxculture. It comes with a unique wrap and variety of beauty, makeup and lifestyle products selected for you. With boxculture, you can even send it to your loves too. :D Interesting much? Some more, monthly subscription is RM38( west M'sia). Isn't it totally worth?

So..... How it works??? 



Simply register and subscribe to a plan to receive your monthly CosmoBox.
Whether for yourself or your favourite persons, the various plans offer several options designed to be suited for each and everyone's preference.
Pick a subscription package to begin your beauty-full adventure with us. The pampering is about to begin!


Your CosmoBox will be sent directly to your door every 3rd week of the month.
We know that you've got lots on your plate, so we don't want you to have to worry about busy malls and picking up.
CosmoBox is designed to save you the time and trouble.
Your little monthly box filled to the brim with goodies will be delivered right to your doorstep.


You can try out our finest selections in the comfort of your own home and in your own time.
Enjoy every single moment with your CosmoBox, from its arrival in your hands, to peeling back the pretty wrapping and ultimately, savouring the luxurious beauty goodies inside.
All this – in the comfort of your own boudoir, whenever you are ready.
Learn how to pamper yourself with our expert tips and ready yourself for the next box filled with more beauty delights for you to enjoy.


Share your experience with others by giving us your feedback.
Once you've sampled and savoured all the beauty items in your CosmoBox, tell us what you think and how you feel.
Logon to our Facebook and let us know how your beauty favourites tested and tasted.
This will help us to improve with each box so we can serve you better.

#throwback 2012

#1 Went Condo hunting with my uncle and my aunt. All development companies in kk area been
     visited. One of them are the Loft which located next to KK Times Square. :D

 Uncle treats for desert :)

#2 Hanging out with charming Flora at Table No. 1 and Pan Pacific Hotel lounge:

#3 to Singapore to KL

Gift for the bf

Parkroyal Hotel ( Love the architecture design!)

Night View of Parkroyal Hotel

 Love this pic but it's BLUR :/

At Chinatown

Clarke Quay. Missing this place very much. 

Candy Land :D 

Song of the Sea 

Switched 3 hotels and this pic is taken when we're waiting for taxi to times square hotel. Heh~

Japanese Buffet dinner at New Year's Day

 Christmas Decoration at Starhill. 

Haha.... This pic.... I know you'll say what???! I look slim, okay... =.= 

Checking out from berjaya times square hotel and ready to head to airport.