Celebrating my 21st!

March 16th! The day i celebrated my birthday. =)

Woke up early in the morning, busy as usual. Got my phone and camera fully charged. About 5:30pm went to Josephine's house to do make-up. 6:30pm leaving from josephine's house to pick up Ely and Pit Wan. Bout 8 ish arrived Times Square, went to Rumor bistro ordering food while waiting for Flora and Josephine to arrive. Josephine need to do flora's make-up. 

Taken at Rumor bistro:
Me & Flora  

Gorgeous, beautiful looking babe, Ely 

Kiss from Ely :D 

Favourite place: Chocolate Factory!

Josephine and I :) 

Jo, me and my dear Pit Wan 

Live band behind there.  Didn't get the chance to take a pic with that hot dude standing behind there. :$

Joining us, Sam (one of the owner of Chocolate Factory )

White Room:

the Moranos invited me up on stage and sang happy birthday song and i have to drink a shot of tequila. :) After i got off the stage, there is a korean guy spent me a drink. How cool is it... Hah. 


Tuesday: Dyed my hair with Liese Bubble Hair Colour. This is the result:

Chestnut Brown!

Oops, ignore the messy background. Dad was painting the house and i did help out too! ;)
After that, piano class as usual.

Hanging out with Amanda and Ely at Yoyo Cafe. At 10 ish, went to WhiteRoom @ KK Times Square met up with Jamie babe. Met the Moranos band from Philippines. Incredible voice and love their music diversity. Their here for 14 months! :)

Last night:
Dinner with Ely and Pit Wan @ Hiltop. Did a little shopping. Went to watch Green Hornet 3D at Suria. Guess what, Jamie and Amanda sat right next to us. What a coincidence!

After watching the Green Hornet, the movie was okay for me. At the 1st part, the character Britt Reid is not what i expected. He's quite dumb and when he said to become a superhero to fight off the bad guys... This is what i thought, "你没事做去找死啊?!
" Anyway, credits to the character, Kato. :)

Overall: 6/10

Peace! :p

Before i completely remove the make up took this as another memorable experience with the future make-up artist, Pinny Jong. :)

Finally, someone totally agree with me that long hair can do variety of styling rather than short one.

Goal: Improve catwalk to "flawless" and learn posing for different of show/fashion.

Oh, i can't believe that 2 more weeks to CNY! can't wait to receive ang pau but the " GONG XI GONG XI GONG XI NI " / " DONG DONG DONG CIANG" / CNY songs are really bugging me every year. Serious. Just like last year, Christmas was few weeks away, i already heard CNY songs are playing at the mall. Gosh~